Legal Notice

This LEGAL NOTICE regulates the rights and obligations of and users, in relation to access, navigation and use of this website, without prejudice to reserving the right to modify, without prior notice, its content, being in force those that are published at the time of navigation.

By browsing, viewing and using this website you acquire the status of user, and therefore implies your express acceptance of all the clauses indicated in this Legal Notice, as well as the rest of the warnings or specific clauses that are established in the different sections for contracting, use of services, products, registrations, or sections of the Page.

Therefore, if you do not accept the clauses established in this Legal Notice, you should refrain from accessing and/or using the services and/or contents made available to you on the Page, proceeding to leave it. may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the contents of the page, without the possibility on the part of the User to demand any compensation. However, in case of closure of the platform, it will try to return any payment that has been made for annual subscriptions not completed.

  1. FORM OF INCOME obtains income in multiple ways.

Advertising uses Adsense ads.


What is affiliation and what is an affiliate link? What does it consist of?

Affiliation is a contract between two parties whereby one party offers a product or service allows the other party to advertise this product or service in exchange for a commission or economic benefit. This commission or economic benefit is delivered from the first to the second party when it is verified that the second party has been responsible for favoring the sale. This verification can be in the form of a special coupon, a link that installs an informative cookie on the client’s machine or some other similar form.

This economic benefit is given without any prejudice to the price of the product, so that the final customer will not experience any increase in the price of the good.

In you can find affiliate links from the following platforms:

  • whose legal terms can be found at
  • Prensarank: whose legal terms can be found at
  • Unancor: whose legal terms can be found at
  • CJ Affiliate: whose legal terms can be found at
  • Nicalia: whose legal terms can be found at
  • Amazon Affiliates: whose legal terms can be found at

Sale of services

In certain services cannot be contracted or a commercial agreement initiated via email.

Terms of use

  1. If you browse this website, you tacitly accept the terms of use and privacy terms, as well as declare having read the legal notice.
  2. Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for either the content or veracity of privacy policies that may have third party services unrelated to this website.
  3. It is expressly forbidden to copy or transcribe completely or partially any text from this website for any use. The texts on this website are made only to be read, refrain from using them for any other purpose.
  4. It is expressly forbidden to copy or download images from this website.
  5. Hotlinking of images from this website is not allowed.
  6. It is permitted to copy and use the HTML structures and CSS styles used on this website, as long as it is partially and never the entirety of the format generating a website identical to this one.

In case of non-compliance with these conditions, we may be forced to take appropriate legal measures.

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